When will the celebrations of 300 years of ČVUT begin and how long will they last?
Celebrations of 300 years of ČVUT in Prague will be officially opened at a press conference which will be held on 22 September 2006 where a timetable of the celebrations will be introduced to the public. The celebrations will last from September 2006 to June 2007. They will culminate on 18 January 2007 when exactly 100 years will elapse from the issue of a rescript, by which the Emperor Josef I directed the Czech Estates to provide financially the education of fortification engineers in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.
What is the objective of the celebrations?
The objective of the 300 years celebrations is to popularise ČVUT in the Czech Republic and abroad, to show the high professional and scientific level of ČVUT faculties and to contribute to the enhancement of an excellent repute of ČVUT both in the Czech Republic and on the international scene by demonstrating the academic community’s high societal and cultural quality.
How can I get involved in the 300 years celebrations?
Please send an e-mail to the address 300let@vc.cvut.cz, from which current affairs published on the ‘celebrations of 300 years of ČVUT’ web will be regularly sent to you.
If you wish to obtain a ticket to any of the cultural actions, please contact employees of the Department of External Relations at the ČVUT Rectorate at telephone numbers 224 353 423, 224 353 417 or by an e-mail at ovv@vc.cvut.cz.
If you wish to participate in the organisation of any action concerning 300 years of ČVUT, please contact employees of the External Relations Department.